A 6 Week Mindfulness Guide for Survival
I like to think of mindfulness more as a workout for the brain.
No need to go to a gym or lift barbells, all the all the equipment you’ll ever need is in your head and remember your mind is portable – it goes where you go. Spread over six episodes, think of me as your personal trainer for you mind as I help you exercise it, using my workbook whether you’ve already read it or haven’t, but will.
If you’re experiencing emotions which you would like to discuss with a trained professional or feel you’re in need of urgent help, see my help and resources page.
£96 £76

What’s included?
Six feature length episodes taught by me, designed to watch a week at a time in the comfort of your own home, garden or if you choose the bath! I set tasks for the week ahead to help you stay on track. I include mindfulness exercises as a means to deal with the Big Six.
Mindfulness saved me, as far as keeping me steady, and I hope it does the same for you too. It helps you hold the rudder straight, keep yourself afloat no matter how turbulent the waves, so that you come out the other end buoyant, with a new appreciation for the privilege of life.
Ruby x
Six modules including:
An Introduction to Mindfulness
Identifying Critical Thoughts
Knowing Your Body
The Power of Compassion
Living in the Present
Using Mindfulness in Your Everyday Life
New: Mindfulness Course Digital Gift Card
Why Ruby’s Course is The Gift That Keeps On Giving…
Instead of yet another bottle or bath bomb, why not give the gift of sanity?! At least it won’t end up in the bin. OK, so even I can’t wrap up sanity but I can give something to brighten the weather conditions of someone’s mind. And in these dark winter days, that’s a welcome winner.
My six-week course focuses on mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT). I know it works and so do the scientists. I studied this at Oxford University to try to lasso my wild mind. I also wanted to take some action after a bout of depression. With depression alone, for those who've had three or more episodes, MBCT yields a 60% chance of preventing relapse.
This course puts you in charge. After six weeks you can practice what you learned – not just for Christmas, for life. There’s no running to someone and asking them to patch up your broken psyche. You’re your own PT for your brain.
Show me the bath bomb that delivers that.
Ruby x
Gift card must be redeemed within 12 months.
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A 6 Week Mindfulness Guide for Survival
Why now? During the pandemic we were suddenly slapped in the face by what I call the BIG SIX REALITIES: difficult emotions, uncertainty, loneliness, change, dissatisfaction and death. They’ve always been with us but who wanted to face them when there was so much choice on Netflix? We also surrounded ourselves with weapons of mass distraction and kept busy with our endless ‘to do’ lists to avoid them.
I’ve written this course as a guide on how to drop anchor when life, and the world around you, gets too daunting. It’s interactive so you can scribble in it, doodle in it, roll it up or make it into a hat. Think of it as an evolve-yourself book filled with exercises, journaling and questionnaires.